2023-2024 Regimental Staff Members
Photo Roster


Citadel Guidon

The White Book

White Book - Appearance

White Book - Room

The Blue Book

Honor Manual

"Helping The Corps Lead The Corps"

Lead by Cadet LTC Hung, the Regimental XO, the mission of the 2023 - 2024 Regimental Staff is to assist in the Corps Leading the Corps. This website was made to help facilitated the daily operations of Regimental Staff, and provide resources to cadet leaders in an easily accessible location. If you need anything from any member on Regimental Staff let us know, we are all happy to help.

Website Improvement Form

Want Something Added To The RS Website?

RCO's Intent

The Regimental Commander's leadership intent for the year.

Room Inspection Sheet

Room Inspection Sheet for Saturday Morning Inspections.

Dress Gray Score Sheet

Inspection Sheet for Dress Gray SMIs.

Club Poster Form

Want Your Club Poster On This Website? Fill Out This Form.

Mess Improvement Form

Want Something Brought Up In the Next Mess Council Meeting?

New Guard Order No.1

New Gateguard Regulations (Coming Soon).

SMI Trash Circles

Printable Trash Circle Cutout For Saturday Inspections.